The night-blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) is aptly named because its white-yellow, tubular flowers bloom at night, the flowers close during the day.
It is known for its scent and is quite possibly the strongest scented plant in the world. Night-blooming jasmines flower up to four times per year. Afterwards, they produce white berries full of seeds.
Night-blooming jasmine make very good insect repellants, especially for mosquitoes. I think this is more likely to be because their powerful scent attracts moths and bats that feed on smaller insects.
Common Name: Lady of the Night, Night Jessamine, Night-Blooming Jessamine, Dama de Noche, Night Blooming Cestrum, Night Queen, Lady of the Night
Sun Exposure: Full to Partial Sun.
Watering: Water regularly during summer.
Soil: Well drained, rich soil, fertilize the soil each year with compost.